Friday 9 December 2011

merry christmas!!

Yo Yo!

I know that I have been seriously neglecting my duties but I have been swamped with finishing up final essays. I am now officially finished with my first semester of graduate school!! I can't quite believe it and now I have 5 1/2 weeks to do with my time what I will.

We had an American Thanksgiving for all of the foreigners at our flat. A total of 20 people showed up!! Our flat was completely packed with Americans, Scots, Irish, Australians, and Chinese. It was like a meeting of the UN!! haha :) We did it pot luck style with everyone bringing a traditional Thanksgiving dish. I was responsible for the squash, which of course is my favorite food :) I baked and mashed 9 large squash which made an enormous dish. Everyone said that they liked it so I guess I didn't mess up to badly. Paul was responsible for the mashed potatoes. He peeled, boiled, and mashed 60 potatoes!! It was insane! It was really nice to have everyone gathered in one spot just eating and chatting (which of course is what Thanksgiving is all about). However, non-Americans do not quite understand the role that eating plays. They couldn't grasp the concept that on Thanksgiving you are supposed to eat until you want to puke and couldn't possibly put one more spoonful in your mouth. So we had TONS of food left over. But all in all it was a great time!! :)

This is the first Christmas that I will be away from home, which is a little strange. However, Paul's parents have been nice enough to invite my friend Lexi and me over to their home on Christmas Day for dinner with their family. Lexi and I also have plans to watch every Christmas movie possible on Christmas Eve and stuff our faces with cookies.

Two weeks ago I went to my first ever pro tennis tournament! It was amazing! I took the train down to London and met up with my friend Jamie who lives there. We had great seats right behind the baseline, half way up the first section in the O2 arena. Unfortunately I did not get to see my future husband Novak but he was not at his best so even thought I was upset at least I didn't miss much. We ended up seeing a really good match between David Ferrer and Tomas Berdych, and the arena was packed. I didn't get to see much else of London as I was only there for one night but I'm sure that I will make it back down at some point to do some proper sight seeing.

My goal for this Christmas break is to hit the gym everyday and read, read, read (but for pleasure not for school). So far I have done well. I made it to the gym this morning and I read half of a book last night. I have a feeling my Kindle is going to fill up pretty quickly.

I hope everyone has a great Christmas and a Happy New Year!! Love you!


So many potatoes!!

probably the closest I will ever get to Novak :(

such awesome seats!