Monday 27 February 2012

I'm still alive!!

Hello All!!

I'm sorry that it has been SOOOOOOOOOOOOO long since my last post. There is really no excuse for it.... but if there was it would be that I just plain forgot :( I will not try to remember everything that has happened in the past three months so that I can share it with you, I will simply pick up from two weekends ago.

I am sure that most of you know that Paul got a new job (temporarily) in Paris which he started almost a month ago. Last weekend I was forced (haha yeah right) to go visit him and get him all settled in his new flat. We had a great time and managed to see the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, walk along the Champs Elysee and saw the Invalides from afar. We did manage to do a little bit of shopping on Sunday... for Lucas. I was informed a few days prior to my trip that Lucas Jon Peterson himself requested that I buy him a present while I was in Paris. (of course I hadn't spoken to him in weeks but he didn't bother himself with idle chit chat... he got straight to business) And of course being the best big sister that I am I happily obliged. :) The trip home went very smoothly (THANK GOODNESS!!!!) and if you do not know the story of my previous trip to Paris then you have no idea why I am so happy and I'm not going to tell you here so I guess you're just shit out of luck.

I had an essay due this past Friday which I had been working on the previous week as I knew that I would be out of town for the weekend. I was in the process of writing it and was so close to finished when..... DUN DUN DUN.... I came down with the stomach flu :( the day before my essay was due. So I felt horrible physically and mentally I was slightly freaking out because I have never ever ever in my entire life missed a deadline. So I was frantically emailing everyone that I could think of (while hovering over my garbage can) to get an extension. I was instructed to email my Programme Director as he was the only person who was able to grant the sought after extension. So I did. Then I waited.... and I waited... and I waited... It got to be 3:30 p.m. on Thursday and I still had not heard back from him. I was getting a little frantic. So I sent him another email saying that I was sorry for being so persistent but I was very ill and I had never been through this process before so I was a little nervous and if he could email me back soon I would really appreciate it. A half hour later he responded. And I'm not gonna lie, he was a bit of a sassy pants. But never the less he granted me my extension. YAY!!! So I finished up my essay on Saturday when I was finally feeling better and handed it in an hour ago.

My weekend finished up with a very pleasant Saturday visiting my friend Kelley at work and having a fancy coffee followed by a trip to the pub with Heather to watch Scotland lose at rugby :( but Liverpool draw in football. I have decided that Liverpool is the football team that I am going to support (except for Suarez because he is a racist douche and they should have kicked him out for the rest of the season) except when they play Man U because otherwise Paul would never speak to me again. Not that he is too happy about me liking Liverpool in the first place :S

Well that is all for today. I hope that everyone is having a great new year so far!! Love you all :)

Paul forced me to take pictures by myself... which I hate

not the greatest picture but oh well...