Friday 20 April 2012

this one's for you Kaeli Goodnature

It has been brought to my attention that I have been seriously neglecting my blogging duties so I will attempt to rectify this situation. Two days ago I finished my final essay of my second semester of my Masters program!! woohoo!! It was quite possibly the worst essay I have ever written in my entire life about a subject that nobody really wants to hear about...aka the European Union's coherence in humanitarian assistance affairs... see told ya you don't really want to hear about it. I gave myself the rest of the week off to recharge and gear up for my dissertation writing which I will try to start next week. Everyone cross your fingers and toes for that one.

My flights back to America have also been officially booked! (this is the part where you scream and jump up and down with uncontainable excitement haha) I will be back in Minnesota from May 29th until June 12th. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and be more pleasant than the last week has been here. If you go to and look up Edinburgh, Scotland you will see a ten day forecast that consists of rain, rain, and yes you guessed it... more rain!

So far my post-Masters plan consists of staying in Scotland and getting a job so that they will not kick me out of the country :) I absolutely love it here and hope to spend quite a few years here amongst the Scots.

I will leave you one little story from my adventures because I'm sure that by now the episode of Numbers that I have been trying to watch has stopped buffering...
A couple of weeks ago I was leaving for the airport and had called a taxi to take me (because I was far too lazy to walk to the bus). My cell phone rang indicating that the taxi was waiting outside so I made my way down the stairs and out the door. Waiting for me at the curb was a man in what I'm guessing was his early 50's. He took my bag from me and put it in the trunk as I climbed into the back seat. The second he sat down in the drivers seat the questions started... Where was I going? What was I doing there? How long was I staying? If I had been playing a drinking game where I had to take a shot every time he asked a question I would have been dead from alcohol poisoning before I hit the end of the block. I was just starting to gear up to be extremely annoyed for the entire trip to the airport when the driver realized that I was from America. I don't think that there is a single American who loves the States as much as this Scotsman.....
The things I know about my taxi driver:
1. He has a time share in Disney World
2. He and his wife love Disney
3. They have been married for 38 years.
4, They have 5 grandchildren that they take care of on the weekends.
5. The youngest one makes my taxi driver drive him to McDonalds in the taxi.
6. The little boy orders a Happy Meal with juice at McDonalds.
7. The little boy and his brother are adorable (he showed me a Disney World key chain with their pictures on it)
8. If he could live anywhere in the States guess where it would be (hint: oranges) and yes that is the hint he gave me
9. He knows the entire history of Disney World (he gave me a brief summary)
10. It is the youngest grandsons turn to go to Disney. They are going in October. His older brother got to go last year.
11. His favorite Disney movies are Pete's Dragon and Herbie (not the LL version) and he also likes the Princess Diaries
12. His brother lives in Texas. He started his own business. It was rough at first but now he loves it there.
13. He thinks I'm a sweet girl :)
14. He knows all of the words to God Bless America (I know this because he sang it to me)

Things I don't know about my taxi driver... his name.