Thursday 20 October 2011


Essays are now upon us :( I am making good progress with one down and two to go. Hopefully I will be able to finish them up ahead of schedule and not still be writing at 3:59pm on Nov. 4th (my last essay is due at 4pm) Just kidding mom and dad I would never do that :S.....

The weather has officially turned here in Edinburgh and it is rainy and about 40 everyday. Gross. Yet still better than Minnesota :)

I had a great time on my birthday with all of the new friends I have made here. We went out for Mexican (one of my favs) and then came back to our flat for a little while before heading out to the pubs. Somehow I managed to be the least intoxicated person. On my own birthday. Don't really know how that happened. But at least I felt the best the next day :)

There isn't too much to report at the moment because I have been so bogged down with essay writing. Hopefully something exciting will happen soon so that I can tell you all about it!!

Monday 10 October 2011

Birthday Presents to Myself :)

So my birthday is on Saturday (I'm sure that you all have it marked on your calendars) and so I decided to give myself a couple of early birthday presents. The most exciting one was a ticket to the ATP Tour finals in London at the end of November!!!! Dustin Demmer's friend Jamie made me aware of this tournament last week and I of course jumped on it. Jamie is also a huge tennis fan and when he and Dustin were in Edinburgh we talked about tennis so much at the pub that Kelley pulled a textbook out of her bag and began reading it. Jamie purchased our tickets on Friday night and we will be attending the night match on the final weekend and be sitting right behind one of the players on the deuce side. The other present that I bought myself is more practical though no less exciting (at least to me). I have ordered on Amazon fuzzy Hunter wellie socks and not one but two bottles of Sriracha hot sauce :) I love spicy food and back in the States I put Sriracha on everything, including but not limited to pizza, pasta, eggs, quesdillas, etc. I will now attach a Sriracha based poster that those of you who don't know what it is can attempt to understand how amazing it is.

This is my last week before really buckling down and getting my first round of essays in order. Wish me luck!!