Thursday 20 October 2011


Essays are now upon us :( I am making good progress with one down and two to go. Hopefully I will be able to finish them up ahead of schedule and not still be writing at 3:59pm on Nov. 4th (my last essay is due at 4pm) Just kidding mom and dad I would never do that :S.....

The weather has officially turned here in Edinburgh and it is rainy and about 40 everyday. Gross. Yet still better than Minnesota :)

I had a great time on my birthday with all of the new friends I have made here. We went out for Mexican (one of my favs) and then came back to our flat for a little while before heading out to the pubs. Somehow I managed to be the least intoxicated person. On my own birthday. Don't really know how that happened. But at least I felt the best the next day :)

There isn't too much to report at the moment because I have been so bogged down with essay writing. Hopefully something exciting will happen soon so that I can tell you all about it!!

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